Lifting Weights ‘Close to Failure’ Not Always Best for Strength

Understanding Training to Failure and Its Impact on Muscle and Strength

Training to failure, where you push yourself until you can’t do another rep, is popular among weight lifters. But is it the best approach for everyone? A recent review published in the journal Sports Medicine suggests that while this method may increase muscle size, it doesn’t necessarily enhance overall strength.

Key Findings on Training to Failure

Muscle Growth vs. Strength

Researchers analyzed data from 55 studies focusing on repetitions in reserve (RIR), which is the number of additional reps a person could perform before reaching failure. They found that:

  • Muscle Growth: Training close to failure leads to more muscle growth. The closer you are to failure when you stop, the more your muscles grow.
  • Strength: For building strength, reaching failure isn’t as crucial. Lifting heavier loads without going to failure can be just as effective.

“If you’re aiming for muscle growth, training closer to failure might be more effective,” said Michael Zourdos, senior researcher and chair of the Florida Atlantic University Department of Exercise Science and Health Promotion. “For strength, how close you push to failure doesn’t seem to matter as much.”

Recommendations for Different Goals

Building Muscle

To maximize muscle growth while minimizing injury risk, aim to train close to failure. This approach ensures optimal muscle stimulation.

Increasing Strength

For those focused on strength, it’s more beneficial to lift increasingly heavier loads rather than pushing to failure. Stopping about three to five reps short of failure can help achieve strength gains effectively.

Perception and Training Effectiveness

The lead researcher, Zac Robinson, highlighted the role of perception in training effectiveness. “When people estimate how many reps they have left, this perception influences the weights they choose. If the estimation is off, they might use lighter weights than needed, which could limit strength gains,” Robinson explained.

However, training close to failure can improve the accuracy of these perceptions and enhance muscle growth. “For the average individual, training close to failure may be the best option as it seems to improve the accuracy of our perception of effort as well as gains in muscle size,” Robinson noted.


While training to failure can boost muscle growth, it isn’t necessary for building strength. Understanding your fitness goals and tailoring your training approach accordingly can lead to better results. Whether you aim for bigger muscles or increased strength, knowing when to stop your reps is key.

  • Sports Medicine Journal
  • Florida Atlantic University News Release