7 Wellness Tips for a Healthier Week

Stay Healthy This Week with These Simple Tips

Hello, health news readers! I’m Kaitlin, and I’m here to share the best wellness tips from around the web. The holiday weekend may be over, but summer is in full swing — and so is the scorching weather. Stay cool and enjoy the summer sun by eating lots of watermelon and gazpacho!

Before you head outdoors, check the local weather forecast and, if you like, your horoscope. Then, read these tips to improve your health and overall well-being this week.

1. Skip the Bacon

Cutting back on processed meats like bacon, cold cuts, and hot dogs by just 30% can help prevent diabetes, colorectal cancer, and heart disease, according to a new study. Need a healthier swap for your BLT? Try a hummus and veggie wrap for an extra fiber boost, which most Americans need.

2. Build Up Your Social Circle

Chronic loneliness is an American epidemic, according to the surgeon general, and new research says it can increase the risk of stroke by up to 56%. Struggling to find social connections? Try volunteering in the community, chatting with neighbors, or attending local events like art exhibits or educational workshops.

3. Eat Lobster, Live Long?

Living past 100 is rare, which is why 104-year-old lobster fisherwoman Virginia Oliver shares her tips for thriving. She advises abstaining from smoking and alcohol, enjoying time in nature, and eating lots of lobster — a great source of zinc, selenium, and vitamin B12.

4. Wear Bug Spray

Mosquito-borne illnesses are on the rise, with some mosquitoes testing positive for West Nile virus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has also warned about the increase in dengue fever, spread by mosquitoes and common in places like Puerto Rico. Protect yourself by wearing bug spray and avoiding standing water, which can breed mosquitoes.

5. Practice Patience

Do you get frustrated easily? You’re not alone. While some people are naturally patient, the good news is that you can work on it. Oprah Daily has tips to help you become more patient, such as limiting screen time.

6. Hit Up the Ice-Cream Truck

Ice cream might be a better-for-you summertime treat than you thought. Dietitians say it can be a better choice for blood sugar management than some other desserts.

7. Lean into Happiness

Want an Ivy League education in happiness? Yahoo Creator Sean Kernan enrolled in Yale University’s free eight-week happiness course, The Science of Well-Being, and shares the top four things he learned, like savoring, which involves thinking about an activity you just enjoyed and taking a moment to appreciate it.


  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2024). Dengue and West Nile Virus Information.
  • Oprah Daily. (2024). Tips to Improve Patience.
  • Yahoo Creator Sean Kernan. (2024). The Science of Well-Being Course Insights.